Oatmeal, Chocolate Chip, Pumpkin Pie cookies and other cautionary tales

Simply after reading the title of this post, I imagine most people are going to have a few questions.  So, before the recipe, some FAQs (and a picture):

Vegan Pumpkin Pie Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies

This is like two dozen cookies. In a picture below, there are the dozen that I took to Thanksgiving dinner. I ate the difference.

Q: Is it even safe to combine that much delicious all into a single cookie?
A: I had a near burning-myself experience, as I was taking the 19th batch I made out of the oven (seriously, I baked no fewer than 12 batches of these cookies intending to send each off for the food blogger cookie swap.  The first 9 dozen all got eaten by me/family/friends, the final three barely survived into the boxes I mailed them in).

Q: What is the cautionary tale?
A: So I was like “la la la I’m a food blogger I do what I want” and I decided to recreationally make up a recipe from scratch.  And that original recipe involved not having flour, not so much because I was as hubris as to think that my food blogger ness would make chemistry irrelevant, but because I just kind of forgot and I didn’t have a recipe to remind me because I was making the recipe up.  The cautionary tale: put flour in your cookies.

Q: Who likes these cookies?
A: These cookies were like the first time that I had made up food and then been asked for the recipe.  So, uh, everyone I know likes these cookies.

Q: How do you make cookies without butter? (but actually, this was a question I got at my family Thanksgiving dinner when I said I had brought vegan cookies.)
A: There are a bunch of different fats you can use.  In this case, I used earth balance because I had it on hand and it’s solid at decently high temperatures, which adds substance to the batter.  You could also use crisco (though, uh, gross) or coconut oil.  Alternatively, you could use something like canola oil (which I do for most of my cookies, but not these…).

Ingredients for vegan chocolate chip pumpkin oatmeal cookies

All of the ingredients. Also some coconut milk because I was thirsty.


1/2 cup earth balance
1/2 cup dark brown sugar
1 cup pumpkin
1 tsp vanilla
3/4 cup chocolate chips
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
1 tbsp each: cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg
1 cup quickoats
1/2 cup flour


1. Preheat the oven to 400
2. Cream the brown sugar and the earth balance
3. Mix in the all the other ingredients, in the order they’re on the ingredients list in.
4. Drop ~3/2 inch globs of batter onto greased baking sheets.  You don’t have to worry too much about them spreading out.
5. Bake for about 20 minutes, or until they start to brown.
6. Let ’em cool and enjoy!

An action shot (oh my god fancy!) of the oatmeal being added to the batter.

An action shot (oh my god fancy!) of the oatmeal being added to the batter.

batter for easy vegan pumpkin pie cookies

Delicious, delicious batter that I ate waaay to much of.

The cookies that managed to survive me being around them long enough to make it to my family Thanksgiving.

The cookies that managed to survive me being around them long enough to make it to my family Thanksgiving.

5 thoughts on “Oatmeal, Chocolate Chip, Pumpkin Pie cookies and other cautionary tales

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